【米国生命保険ライセンス9】Tax Treatment


Individual Life Insurance

  • 保険料(Premiums)は税控除(Tax deductible)の対象外
  • 収益(Proceeds)は課税対象(Taxable)ではない
  • 収益(Proceeds)は相続税(Estate tax)の対象になる
  • Mutual Insurance Companyの保険契約者に支払われる配当(Dividends)は課税されない

Group Life Insurance

  • 雇用主が支払った保険料の一部は、事業費として控除可能

  • 受益者に支払われる収入は課税されない

Modified Endowment Contracts (MEC)

  • TAMRA1と呼ばれる、IRSによって作成され、連邦によって規制されている税カテゴリー。租税手続法(Technical and Miscellaneous Revenue Act of 1988)

  • すべての現金価値が付く生命保険に適用される

  • 獲得した利息(interest)は、税金の繰り延べではなくなった

  • 借りたローンは課税対象とみなされる

  • 10%のIRS早期出金に対するペナルティは、59歳1/2未満のときの現金解約に適用される


Q1.Premature IRA distributions are assessed a penalty tax of:

  • 0%
  • 10%
  • 15%
  • 20%

A. 10%

Q2.If a corporation pays the premium on a group life policy for its employees, the corporation is required to report how much additional taxable income for each employee?

  • The annual premium divided by the number of employees
  • The entire premium paid in a year
  • Half the premium paid in a year
  • Nothing

A. Nothing

Q3.The premiums paid by an employer for his employee’s group life insurance are usually considered to be:

  • tax-deductible to the employer
  • partially deductible to the employee
  • tax-deductible to the employee
  • taxable income to the employee

A. tax-deductible to the employer

Q4. ___ of personal life insurance premiums is usually deductible for federal income tax purposes.

  • 100%
  • 75%
  • 50%
  • 0%

A. 0%

Q5.Which of these statements is INCORRECT regarding the federal income tax treatment of life insurance?

  • Premiums are normally not tax deductible
  • Cash dividends are normally not taxed
  • Entire cash surrender value is taxable
  • Proceeds are received tax-free if there is a named beneficiary

A. Entire cash surrender value is taxable



